www.pdf-xchange.se by Pro Nordic - tel:  031 - 3121100

PDF-XChange Pro 4


Skapa CD steg för steg:  (OBS! Er PC måste ha CD- eller DVD-brännare)

Välj rätt program för nedladdning och CD:
    Kort info om programmen(välj rätt):
    - a) PDF-XChange Pro 4 paketet = både PDF-XChange Pro 4 +  free PDF-XChange Pro VIEWER.
    - b) Free PDF VIEWER innehåller endast viewer (kan installeras på alla PC gratis) 
    - c) pdf-instruktioner = Installationsanvisning (kan även läsas via internet)


a) Download PDF-XChange Pro 4 fullversion   -  v.4.0157. update 21 Februari 2009
både PDF-XChange Pro 4 +  free PDF-XChange Pro VIEWER)

b) Download Free PDF-XChange Pro - Viewer  v.2.04102, 17.91MB, release 21 Februari 2009.
     (endast viewer)

c) Download PDF-XChange Pro installation (english)   - pdf - 2008-11-01
(endast instruktioner för aktivering)


Ladda ner utvalda program till utvald/ny mapp på er PC. (säkraste sättet att hitta rätt filer)

2. Extrahera Zip-filerna i mappen + spara i ny mapp (säkrare att hitta rätt filer).     

3. Sätt i CD ev. DVD och starta brännar programmet.
   a) Välj den nya mappen med de extraherade filerna och bränn till CD.
   b) När klart = tag ut CD => markera CD/DVD med t ex PDF-XChange Pro 4 installations CD.

4. Vid köp av PDF-XChange Pro erhålles en licenskod (skickas via e-post till er). Tag fram koden.

5. Starta program, aktivera med licenskod. Se instruktionstext längre ner (eller på " Free Downloads" sidan)


OBS! Endast aktiverings-text här nedan

Läs instruktioner här nedan.

Efter nedladdning och efter att ni extraherat zip-filen till PDFX4.exe gör följande (engelsk info längst ner):

A. PDF-XChange -- aktivering vid ny installation:
- Starta installationsfilen PDFX4.exe.
- Mata in ert licensnummer vid fråga (övergår till trial-version om inget anges)
B. PDF-XChange -- aktivering från trial till skarp-licens:
Aktivera med ert licensnummer i både PDF-XChange Pro och PDF-TOOLS.
B1. PDF-XChange Pro:
Kontrollpanelen > skrivare och fax > högerklicka på ikon: PDF-XChange 4.0 dvs egenskaper.
I egenskaper > öppna flik: Om > klicka ikon: Registrations kod.
Vid Registrations kod: fyll i uppgifter + kod (=licensnummer)
Starta PDF-TOOLS från ikon på skrivbordet eller START>Program-meny.
Gå till övre meny tryck på ikon: Inställningar.
I inställningar > ikon: Om > klicka ikon: Registrations kod > fyll i uppgifter + kod(licensnr.)


PDF-XChange 4.0 installation instruction (Read this before installation)

You need administrator rights to install PDF-XChange Pro. Start install file PDFX4.exe and
feed in the license serial. It wise to use copy paste method in feeding to avoid misprints.
If you have no serial or you have made an error in feeding it in, the program works normally
as a trial version and you will get extra watermarks into the PDF document.

Choices during installation:
Be prepared to make following choices during the installation. If you however afterwards want
to change the choices you can always reinstall the program. Uninstall first and and reinstall
then. You dont need anymore to key in the serial because the number will stay in your PC

With PDF-Tools you can manipulate PDF files in many ways. You can split and merge PDF
files, extract pages and images, add hyperlinks, change PDF settings etc. It is recommended
always to choose PDF-Tools to be installed.

In setup menu mark
- "Full installation"
Mark also:
- Help File
- Languages files
- Addin for MS Office. Only for Office v.97 or above.
- Office 2PDF
- PDF-Tools files
(makes 48,5MB total)

Office2PDF is a batch processing utility to convert Word, Excel and HTML files into PDF
format. It is very useful in special cases but for most normal users unnecessary.
Office2PDF can usully be removed from installed components list.

To choose Help file means that you will get all manuals and help files into your PC.
To choose Languages file means that you can easily change Program menu language
corresponding to the users own language. It is recommended to choose both of these.

Addin for MS Office Choose this if you want to make PDF conversion directly using
an icon in Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. This is not always necessary because
PDF conversion can always be started from virtual printer PDF-XChange 4.0.
This Addin can also necessary if you want to convert Word styles directly to Bookmarks
and move Word links into the PDF file.

PDF Viewer Windows Installer will ask whether also PDF-XChange Viewer will be included.
Viewer can replace Adobe Reader or can also be installed parallelly with Adobe Reader.
Viewer will give to the user many new features: Tools to comment, add text and drawing
objects, save PDF forms and convert PDF files into images. In PDF-XChange 4.0 Viewer
works as a Pro version and all PDF-Tools features will in near future be included into the
Viewer Pro. It is recommended always to include PDF-XChange Viewer in the installation.
When installation program ask whether PDF-XChange Viewer will be default program, the
user can first refuse. This gives a trial period and Viewer can later be changed to default.

Default printer The Installer ask also whether PDF-XChange will be default printer. This can
be a good alternative in a laptop computer but in a normal workstation with a printer the
recommendation is "no".

Was the installation successful?
The installation was successful if PDF conversion can be started with a virtual printer PDF-
XChange 4.0. PDF-XChange settings can be changed in the menu choosing preferences.

PDF-XChange help manuals open by choosing Start/ Programs/ PDF-XChange 4Pro and
choosing the needed manual (eg PDF-XChange Users Manual).

Parameters and syntax for installation packages can be found in PDF-XChange Users
Manual /General /Silent installation and for PDF-XChange Viewer in Viewer Help file/
Introduction /Silent Installation


www.pdf-xchange.se by Pro Nordic - tel:  031 - 290079


By PDF-XChange Sverige. Copyright © 2009 PRO NORDIC. All rights reserved