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PDF-XChange PRO   -    våra kunders favorit

PRO Innehåller 4 st program helt integrerat.

EDITOR PLUS -- Reader/redigera/flytta/notera/mät/stämpla/signera 
STANDARD       -- print/skapa PDFalla format t ex PDF/A, certifikat/digital signering
PDF-TOOLS       -- UTÖKAD översikt - FIX för redigera/konvertera/editera
Office2PDF         -- styr konverteringjobb, manuellt eller ställ in t ex bevakad utvald mapp

Presenting quick info of Version 8 -- April 9th, 2019

Video Item

Nytt i PRO-paket version 8 

Enhanced OCR Plugin Added to the Software

Enhanced OCR Plugin Added to the Software

The Enhanced OCR plugin is now available as an optional extra in PDF-XChange Editor. It is more accurate, dynamic and faster than the default OCR engine, and contains a range of extra features. Further information on this plugin is available here.

OCR Selected Regions

OCR Selected Regions

The OCR Selected Region feature can be used to perform optical character recognition on areas defined by the Snapshot or Crop Tool.

Use the "Quick Launch" Feature to Launch Commands

Use the "Quick Launch" Feature to Launch Commands FREE

Use the Quick Launch feature to search for and launch commands in PDF-XChange Editor.

Paste Copied Text as Plain Text

Paste Copied Text as Plain Text FREE

The Paste as Plain Text feature can be used to paste copied text into documents as plain text.

Updated Spell Check Dictionaries

Updated Spell Check Dictionaries FREE

The dictionaries for the Spell-Check feature have been updated in V8.

Use 'Overtype' to Edit Text Faster

Use 'Overtype' to Edit Text Faster FREE

The new Overtype feature makes it possible to type over existing text. Press Insert to enable/disable this feature.

Update OCR Languages and Spell Check Dictionaries without a Restart

Update OCR Languages and Spell Check Dictionaries without a Restart FREE

The Resources Updater feature makes it possible to update languages for OCR, Spell Check Dictionaries and other resources without the need to restart your computer.

Convert CSV File Data to a PDF Table

Convert CSV File Data to a PDF Table FREE

The CSVToPDF plugin has been added in this build, which makes it possible to convert CSV file data to a PDF table.

Transformation Functionality Added to the Arrange Tab

Transformation Functionality Added to the Arrange Tab FREE

It is now possible to transform selected content via the Arrange tab.

Move Open Documents to the Recycle Bin

Move Open Documents to the Recycle Bin FREE

The "Move to Trash" feature makes it possible to move open documents directly into the recycle bin. 

Convert Lines to Distance Annotations and Polylines to Perimeter Annotations

Convert Lines to Distance Annotations and Polylines to Perimeter Annotations FREE

New commands have been added in this build that make it possible to convert line annotations to distance annotations, and polyline annotations to perimeter annotations. 

New SharePoint Features

New SharePoint Features FREE

New SharePoint options have been added in V8 - options for a default version and comment used during automatic check-in, as well as an option to recreate all necessary folders when saving files to a non-existent path.

Numerous Additional Bug Fixes and Improvements

Numerous Additional Bug Fixes and Improvements FREE

As usual, a range of features, improvements and bug fixes have been made in this release of your favourite software for the viewing, editing and creation of PDF documents - PDF-XChange Editor. Please see the Version History for further information. 

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